Kaffe Magnum Opus Sales Up 24% in 2008 vs. 2007


Congratulations to Robert Kraeuter and the staff at Kaffe Magnum Opus for excellent service and high quality products.  These are harsh times and we did not expect to grow much, if at all in 2008, but the results are outstanding.  I believe there was a flight to quality and it fueled the sales growth.

Please contact Robert@kmocoffee.com if you would like to share in the experience and growth.

2008 was a tough year because the Wall Street crowd dominated the commodities markets, including coffee.  While oil has fallen drastically, however, coffee is still high. With Starbucks and others closing stores it is surprising that the fall in demand is not driving prices lower. 

We all know too that the collapse of the banking system led by lousy lenders is effecting overall demand.  As the saying goes: “When the going gets tough the tough get going”.    Now is the time to execute your backup plans, or, your plan B.  Nothing is a Sacred Cow, be tough on all your expenses.   This is the time to ignor the naysayers and get out and mix it up in the market.

Invest you time and effort in training, hiring well, and community connections, new organizations, house parties, speaking engagements at youth oriented groups.  Get to the High School and make sure they know your WiFi is free.  Sponsor talks in your shop directed at the demographic that will respond to coffee.  Too, sponsor recitals for the local music teachers or music stores, or schools, encouraging stage shows in your shop.  You’ll get the whole family out to see their children and grand-children perform.

Please, as soon as you read this, make a list of what you will do tomorrow to build your sales.   Tomorrow, begin to execute the new changes.  Change is good.  If you want higher sales you have to create activities that will bring in new customers and develop relationships with existing customers.   Do not do tomorrow what you do every day.  Start with getting up later, or earlier, take a different route to the store, open in the back instead of the front, stop at the local newspaper stand for the paper you will now leave on the tables.  Take down some handwritten signs, and make sure you rest rooms are available to everyone, not just customers.  (see the end of this post for an important question).

You might like to read “You Can Compete: Double Sales without Discounting” by Bob Phibbs as a start at finding new ideas.   Contact Robert@kmocoffee.com for a free copy. 

In the meantime I urge our customers to visit www.sellmorecoffee.com for ideas for improving your profits.

Thank you all for your continued support.  Since starting KMO we (Cathy and I and our staff) have insisted on above standard service as the primary advantage at KMO.  We answer our phones (people do), we basically will do whatever you want (we have a huge number of products, many of which are custom and not on our already long lists), and we unconditionally guaranty our products.  If the coffee does not meet your expectaions, we will take it back or replace it.  No questions are asked.  If you want to experience this service, give Robert or Terry or Ciara a call.  Or write to me at bob@kmocoffee.com

Bob Johnson, Founder

Question for all the owners of stores that have signs that read: “Bathrooms for customers only”.    What is a customer?  The person who buys a coffee today?  Yesterday or a week ago when you were out?  Why drive non customers away?  Are not non customers exactly the people you want to come in?  Keep the rest rooms clean and attractive.  Especially the ladies room.  If you have to put a sign up about the bath room, put this one up “unlike every other retailer in this area, our bathroom is clean and available for who ever needs it”  Come on in.  You will like our service and our coffee.”

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